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News & Notes 10/12/23

YCGOP News and Notes

Please forward to your AMERICA FIRST patriot friends


Our Oct 26, 2023 monthly meeting will be OUTSTANDING!!

US Congressman Ralph Norman will be joining us to give us an update on events in

Washington, DC. We will also have State Senator Wes Climer speaking on judicial reform. To top it off, we are going to raffle off a 1-ounce silver coin again! In order to have enough time for everything, we will be starting at 6:30 PM with Congressman Ralph Norman speaking first. You don’t want to miss this meeting!

Sen. Wes Climer taking a stand on Judicial Reform - We applaud Wes Climer for taking a bold

stand on judicial reform, something that is desperately needed in SC. Wes will be our speaker in November to give us more details.

Michael Johnson Re-Election Kickoff - Michael Johnson is kicking off his re-election Kickoff and Fundraiser on Wednesday, 10/18/23. at Pet Piv (Fish Market) located at 990 Market Street, Fort Mill, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. The Honorable Henry McMaster, 117th Governor of South Carolina, will be at this event. Please register and purchase a ticket by donating HERE. Host-$1000, Sponsor-$500, Couple-$250, Individual-$125

Elizabeth Enns has announced her candidacy for House Seat District 26

Presidential Candidate Debate at McBryde Hall at Winthrop University - The Federation of Rep Women are doing a debate at Winthrop. 6 PM VIP Sponsor Reception, 7 PM Forum. Confirmed candidates so far are Asa Hutchinson and Gov. Ron DeSantis. All candidates

are invited. Click here for information.

SCFRW 31st Biennial Convention in Fort Mill, SC Oct 20-22, 2023

This is local to us! Click HERE for information on attending. To register click HERE and use password: #8646!. For questions, please email Convention Host Coordinator, Christine Lekich, or call/text 610-203-9678.

An America First family friendly event is being held at Field Day Park in Clover on October 24, 6 to 8 pm for Cluster 2 precincts. The event is being sponsored by the Wylie and River Hills precincts. All YCGOP members are invited to attend.

Freedom Caucus Rally - There is a FREEDOM CAUCUS RALLY Oct 16, 6:30 pm, 125 Main Street, Chester, SC. Come learn why SC is one of the bluest red states in the nation. The four

Freedom Caucus Members who will be there are: Josiah Magnuson, Jay Kilmartin, Rob Harris, Thomas Beach.

Freedom Caucus being smeared - If you are doing the right thing in politics, you can count on being attacked by dark money. Members of the SC Freedom Caucus are the targets of recent smears from the so-called Palmetto Truth Project, a Columbia, S.C.-based pro-establishment, dark money outfit. It is important that we support true conservatives like the Freedom Caucus.

Questionable activity by displaced splinter group in Lexington GOP - Those

who were voted out in Lexington have formed a splinter group and absconded with the LCRP Facebook page, set up a new website, solicited funds from unknowing individuals and then scheduled a new election. GOP elections are governed by Election law.


Strong election Integrity bills we are supporting:




Some leadership changes:

a. Diana Jackson will be helping Brad Smith with organization of Cluster 7. Christine Lekich will take over leadership of the Orientation/Training Committee.

b. Ellen Brandt will be taking over Cluster 5 as Dave Wilburn can no longer fill this role due to work commitments.

We are encouraging all Cluster and Precinct leaders to work hard on finding candidates to run for office and to recruit new members into the YGCOP.

A new logo has been developed and approved that includes American First. A popup tent has been purchased (with approval of the Executive Committee). The tent has YCGOP logo and can be used at rallies, festivals and other events where we can set up a table and recruit members and convey our message.

A decision has been made to focus on educating YCGOP members on the contents of the South Carolina Republican Platform. The platform covers almost all the most important issue that we expose, and our elected representatives need to be held accountable if they do not support the platform.

The first shipment of our shirts and hats with the YCGOP logo have been received!


WHO WE ARE – YCGOP is a group of ‘AMERICA FIRST’ (AF) patriots that believe in strength in our national policies – strong economy, strong military, strong borders, and strong foreign policy. YCGOP believes that the GOP in SC should be enacting the GOP platform (see here – the platform is excellent but ‘special interests,’ aka The Swamp in Columbia, keep much of it from being enacted).

OUR MISSION – To promote the Republican Party platform and elect candidates who will support it. We intend to increase our membership and, therefore, our influence with our elected officials at the city, county, and state level.

HOW YOU CAN HELP – It is understood that we all have busy lives. Some folks can do more than others. However, nearly everyone can take a moment and think of a few people YOU know who are also AF patriots that live in York County and forward this email to them so they, too, can know what’s going on in our county and state. There are a LOT of AF patriots out there who are sick and tired of the establishment GOP way of selling out to special interests. We want to put an end to that in SC and need all the help we can get!


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